Christmas 2020

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

How many times will you flip a light switch today? The next time you do, take a minute to think about what a true miracle of human innovation you are experiencing. Thomas Edison, who built upon existing ideas and perfected the light bulb as we know it, famously said of his trial-and-error process: “I have not failed, I have found ten thousand ways that don’t work.” When he finally did succeed, his lightbulb burned a whopping thirteen and a half hours. When I buy a lightbulb today, the information on the box tells me that it will probably be burning brightly years after I have gone to my eternal reward. Isn’t the relentless progress of human creativity kind of an amazing thing? Is it any wonder the lightbulb is a sort of universal symbol of ingenuity and invention?

In a year such as the one that our entire planet has just experienced, we can be tempted to dwell on all the challenges and difficulties that have vexed us. But in the midst of that, we can also marvel at our shared capacity for innovation and improvement. In big and small ways, everybody this year has had to consider new ways of doing things – from how to arrest the spread of a deadly virus, to how we do our jobs, to how we celebrate holidays, to how we stay connected to each other, and on and on. This has certainly been a year of much darkness. But it has also been a year of unprecedented light.

I am grateful for how this year has challenged me to innovate and see things in a new light… and to keep my little light shining just a bit longer and a bit brighter than I had previously thought possible. Whatever light you are celebrating this holiday season – the Star of Bethlehem, the Menorah, the lamps of Diwali, the lengthening of the Solstice sun’s rays – may you take satisfaction in knowing that your light has dispelled some darkness this year, and rejoice in the promise that we can all shine just a bit brighter in the year ahead.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!